We strive to enthuse and inspire our pupils, challenging and supporting their growth into respectful; confident; independent; self-motivated and curious individuals.
Religious Education Curriculum Intent Statement
As a Church of England school, we recognise the core place that RE occupies as part of a broad and balanced curriculum. We teach RE as a core part of our school curriculum to help further develop our pupils’ religious literacy.
At Mareham, our Religious Education (RE) curriculum ensures that knowledge and key skills are taught in a systematic, well-planned and progressive manner.
At Mareham, our whole curriculum is driven by:
In RE we aim to:
Our Christian values shape how we behave, what we say, how we build relationships and how we learn. Our RE curriculum is designed to help each child to be able to think and speak with confidence; developing independence for learning whilst achieving academically and meeting age-related expectations by the end of their primary education.
At Mareham, RE is valued the same as other core subjects. RE follows a clearly sequenced and progressive curriculum based on the locally Agreed Syllabus for Lincolnshire (2018-2023) and Understanding Christianity.
RE is valued and included in the daily life of school, with links through Collective Worship and daily classroom prayers and Christian Values. Regular worships and visits from our RE Governor help reinforce the Christian Values of the school, the school environment and help develop links with the local community.
We ensure high quality teaching that is appropriately pitched to individuals. Teachers ensure that the learning activities employed in RE are differentiated to meet a variety of learning needs. Key vocabulary is carefully chosen and shared in Knowledge Organisers and at the start of all lessons. Children are encouraged to use the key vocabulary to talk with confidence about religion.
Children are given opportunities to engage, enquire, explore, evaluate and express their ideas, knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other world religions. At KS1, the principal religions studied will be Christianity and Islam; at KS2, the principal religions studied will be Christianity and Islam, with additional units linked to Judaism and Hinduism. We actively seek to prepare our pupils for life in modern Britain. As such, we promote key British Values, including respect for and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
We aim for all children to be able to:
As a Year 6 transitioning into secondary school, we aspire that they not only achieve the age-appropriate standard at the end of Key Stage 2, but that they have also begun their religious and spiritual journey to embrace the beauty of other cultures and beliefs.
RE Long Term Plan With Commentary