Welcome to our Class page!
Our teachers are Mrs Moore and Mrs File.
This Spring Term our topic is ‘Wild Things’
We will be looking mainly at the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and animals that live in Africa. We will be finding out where Africa is and looking at world maps and making maps.
In English we will be writing captions, labels and simple sentences. We will also be looking at sequencing stories and writing simple facts about animals.
In Maths we will be learning which number is more/less, comparing numbers, addition to 5 then 10 and number bonds to 10.
In our outside area we will be developing our Safari Park. We will be building dens, painting and playing in the sand and water.
We do PE on Monday afternoon with JB Sport. Please ensure you come to school wearing your PE kit.
Reading books and yellow reading diaries will come home on a Wednesday and be collected on a Monday.
Please read with your child and record each reading session in the yellow reading diary.
At Mareham, we follow Little Wandle Phonics Scheme and we have daily whole class phonics sessions.
On a Friday you will receive Phonics homework practice of our sounds for the week. This will be in your child’s book bag.
There are no news articles at present.