Yellow Class Years 1 and 2

Welcome to our Class page!

Our teachers are Mrs Richardson (Mon - Wed) and Mrs Harris (Thurs - Fri) they are helped by Mrs White.


Welcome to Yellow Class!



In writing we will be using a range of fiction and non fiction texts. We will be sequencing stories, making information booklets and drawing story maps to help us act out and retell key events.

Some of our texts this term include; 

The Tiget who came to Tea

Tabby McTat



This term in Mathematics Year 1 will be focusing on addition and subtraction and Year 2 will start to learn more about multiplication and division.



We have got lots of exciting new learning opportunities within our other subjects.

In Science, we are learning about Animals including Humans. 

In Geography, we are exploring the different continents! 

RSHE lessons will discuss keeping and staying safe such as Road safety and washing our hands effectively.

RE - Our BIG Question -  How is Allah described in the Qur'an?

Art - We will be looking at the artists Henri Rousseau and learning about the different colours and how to mix them.




PE is on a Monday afternoon with JB Sports and Thursday afternoon with Mrs Harris and Mrs White.

Please come to school in kit on these days.



Phonics books will come home on a Wednesday and be collected in on Monday.

Your child will be sent home with a yellow reading diary and a reading book. Please read with your child and record each reading session in your child's yellow reading diary. Each time your child reads, they will earn a raffle ticket.



There are no news articles at present.