Green Class' teacher is Mrs Saxon. She is helped by Mrs Hughes and Mrs Sewell.
Our Class novel is Letters from The Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. We are really enjoying it!
This term, in English, we will be exploring a range of different texts and genres. The texts we are basing our writing on this term are The True Story of the Three Little Pigs and Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes. We have lots of exciting writing activities planned around these texts and are covering poetry, newspaper and narrative.
This term in Mathematics we will be starting with learning about place value and then move onto units of addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. In year 4, there is the statutory multiplication check which checks fluency and recall of their times table up to 12. . A great website to practice is Mathsframe multiplication Tables Check.
We have got lots of exciting new learning opportunities within our other subjects.
In Science, we are learning about sound and how we hear sounds. In History, we are exploring The Vikings. In RE, we are learning about Hinduism.
Please ensure your child brings in their reading record and current reading book to school every day; as this will enable us to monitor your child’s reading development and progress throughout the term and year. Please encourage your child to read at home as much as possible and record any comments, queries or issues in their reading record also; as these are an excellent means of communication between home and school.
Physical Education (P.E)
This term PE will be on a Wednesday (indoors) with myself and Friday (weather permitting, outdoors)with JB Sport. Please ensure your child comes into school in a suitable P.E. kit in school. Swimming will start again during the Spring Term in February.
There are no news articles at present.